The Phantom Dance

The Phantom Dance, Flash Fiction by Ben Kesp

Placing his eyes on the old mansion, standing in defiance of the passing centuries, Zack knows of its history, its warnings, but his curiosity lures him in. Its old grey walls loom like a malevolent spectre, painted against the midnight sky, with its ivy-clad walls whispering secrets of long-forgotten stories.

Stepping inside its darkened interior, time no longer is relevant, as Zack is trapped within its steely embrace, a young victim whose ill-fated curiosity has led him through the doors to another existence. The air within is heavy with the scent of decay, its space now illuminated by flickering candlelight, casting elongated shadows that danced to an unheard melody.

Zack stumbles through the labyrinth of corridors, their walls adorned with faded portraits whose eyes seem to follow him with silent accusation. The floorboards groan beneath him, as if the house recoils at the intrusion of the living. Cold drafts whisper through the halls, carrying with them the anguished moans of forgotten souls.

As if led by an unseen icy hand, Zack moves forward reaching a dimly lit chamber, and discovers a grand mirror, its ornate frame reflecting a distorted version of his terrified image. He tries to flee, but that unseen hand grips him tighter, forcing him to stand rooted to the spot, starting at his own reflection mocking him with a sinister grin.

A clock strikes midnight, sending a haunting melody throughout the manor. Zack, led by his invisible guide, traces the haunting melody to a grand ballroom, its grandeur faded to a ghostly echo of its former glory. The phantom sound intensifies, drawing him towards a cracked and mould infested piano that plays itself.

Before his eyes, spectres of a time long gone, materialise in the moonlit room, waltzing in a macabre dance that transcends time. Zack has become an unwilling participant in the phantom ball. The ethereal dancers guide him to the centre of the room, spinning and dancing. Their hollow eyes lock onto his, demanding a partner for eternity.

Desperation grips Zack, as he struggles against the invisible force, but the dance continues, each step leading him deeper into the abyss. The ghostly waltz grows maddening, drowning out his anguished cries.

The room gently illuminates with the coming of the dawn and as it does, the phantom dancers retreat into the shadows, leaving Zack in the silent ballroom. The once-grand mansion seems to exhale a sigh of satisfaction, its hunger momentarily satisfied. Zack, now a mere shell of the young man who had entered, collapses to the cold floor, haunted by the echoes of a dance that transcended the boundaries between the living and the dead. The old house, having claimed another victim, settles back into its perpetual slumber, awaiting the next soul to cross its threshold.


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