Guardian: Rise of the Gods - Explore the Realms of the Kuboran Galaxy

Guardian - Rise of the Gods, by Ben Kesp, Fantasy Reads


Xari takes hold of her hands, and Mika faces him.

“I have never been so unsure of anything before.”  

“Then, we are both at a loss. This is a feeling I do not like, and I have never felt it before.”

“I am here for you. I have always been, and I always will,” Xari gently states.

“You are my gem stone. I do not think I say it often enough,” Mika answers, allowing her eyes to fall on the giant medallion hanging around Xari’s chest. She moves her eyes out over Uis-Valla. “This is our home. This is all we’ve ever known. We must do what we can to ensure it will not fall into danger.”


Guardian – Rise of the Gods, is the first and foundation novel of the Gods of Uis-Valla saga that explores in detail the Korninti, the gatekeepers of the Kuboran Galaxy. An introduction is given to some of the ten realms in existence; Soulamir Realm, home to the Zarin Fairies and Queen Miranda, the Kingdom of Vellig and the Armonte, its people, along with brief visits to the K-73 Realm and Solaris, home of Jonas, who was brought to the hidden city of Uis-Valla and becomes a key piece in the lives of the Korninti. 

Is it possible to live in a society without conflict or corruption? Perhaps, an insular one, isolated, where such ideals are never allowed to manifest.  Explore the idea of what happens once that isolation is breached and the results on a society that are naive to such thinking.

Guardian – Rise of the Gods is available from Amazon in both e-book and paperback format. Explore the realms of the Kuboran Galaxy this Christmas. 

Discover more in its page – Uis-Valla Universe.

Fantasy Reads - Guardian - Rise of the Gods, by Ben Kesp



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