Guardian - Rise of the Gods Cover Design

Guardian - Rise of the Gods, Book Cover by Ben Kesp

I am able to announce the cover design for Guardian - Rise of the Gods, after multiple designs. Thank you to all those involved in the process, as it is never an easy task. The cover represents Uis-Valla, the home of the Korninti.

Uis-Valla, is a polished city of precious stones, constantly bathed with low ever-changing shades of blue hue from its low accompanying star. Uis-Valla is entered through two majestic towers of black obsidian stone. Stepping past the entrance towers, and moving into the city, sits the gracious Azula building with its hematite stone features, crowned with a white quartz dome. For the Korninti, the Azula marks one of its most important buildings, as it houses the great hall for assemblies, senior council chamber and the elder’s throne room, from where the energies of the elders continuously flow out across all realms in the Kuboran Galaxy.

To the rear of the magnificent building, Uis-Valla opens onto a large oval lake of silver mercury, lined on each side by five elegant golden pillars, each representing one of the ten realms. The formation of the golden pillars leads them to a larger golden pillar with a replica of the city of Uis-Valla on top. From here an onyx walkway extends from the lake of mercury to the Garden of Gorma, a spacious circular garden surrounded by walls of water with an entrance gate of tourmaline stone. Within, cascading waterfalls on sapphire stone line a walkway of ruby to the central plaza which is dominated by four statues of the Korninti elders in red amber stone, the founding members of Uis-Valla. To the rear of the statues is a wall of sapphire decorated with golden motifs and emerald stones, representative of all the energies of the Korninti people.

Beyond the Garden of Gorma, stands the School of Warriors, the home of the Korninti legions of warriors and standing next to it stands the Forbidden Library, in which lies the ancient scrolls of the Korninti, which are made up of fifteen volumes, detailing all knowledge necessary to understand life on each realm.

It is only fitting the cover of the first book in the Gods of Uis-Valla saga should feature Uis-Valla as the opening for the saga revolves around the Korninti and their home. Who they are and what will happen to their city of polished stone? well that is the adventure you will need undertake!


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