Author's Update - Gods of Uis-Valla


Ben Kesp Author Update

Fantasy is hardly an escape from reality.  It’s a way of understanding it.”

Lloyd Alexander


I hope I find everyone well since my last update.  We have entered October, the month of colour, where nature signals its slow embrace of winter. One of my biggest projects since has been in finalising off the manuscript “Guardian – Rise of the Gods,” part one of the Gods of Uis-Valla high fantasy series. It has been returned from my editor and I am going through the final readings.  Like with anything creative, it is hard to let it go and say “enough is enough.”  There are always those extra bits and pieces that want to be added or changed, whether it is a new scene or additional dialogue, however, it is done. 

The book cover design is in process.  I always find this one of the most challenging and difficult parts of book publication process.  Choosing a cover that portrays the story – is it an object, a person, or a concept. In addition, there are other matters to consider like colour and font appeal. 

The publication date will be in November, with the actual date announced later through another update so you can all save the date! 

In addition to working on part two of the Gods of Uis-Valla series, you can get the chance to enjoy my weekly posts, here on Substack and Blogger. Thank you for your reads and tuning in each week.   

For updates and more reading on my next publication, check out the Uis-Valla Universe from my author’s website or join me on Instagram. 

For now, I wish you all the best and I hope you will continue to join me on my fantasy adventure. Until next time, take care, Ben.


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