Author Update

Ben Kesp Author

It has certainly been a while since I have given an update on how life has been and what I have been working on. Once a regular update went out, and I really must return to communicating like I once did. These past few years have been “strange” for the want of a better word and I found myself a little unsure where I stood, when it came to my writing. I decided to take a year out and when I returned to work on what I thought would be my next novel, called “Edenwood”, it did not quite work out as I had planned. I struggled something horrific with it, having multiple rewrites and along with massive restructuring, where it came to a point, that I had to park it. It continues to sit there in the hidden depths of a hard drive; however, I know I will return to it again someday.

With that disastrous attempt out of the way, I decided it was time to turn to an idea I had with many years for a fantasy series. I have always been a fan of fantasy, however, despite writing some fantasy flash fiction, I never actually wrote for the genre before. How hard can it be, right? Well, I had my idea, my story, my characters, but fantasy, especially high fantasy, has another added dimension and that is, world building. Did I decide to start easy, well, no. I needed to create ten realms that fed into one interstellar state, so, yes, I must obviously love to challenge myself.

So, I have arrived at the point, where the first book in the “Gods of Uis-Valla” series is almost ready for publication, called “Guardian – Rise of the Gods”. It has been quite a few years since my last publication (The Portrait of Isabella Simmons), so it feels really great to be getting another book out to readers and I hope that many of my existing readers, will love the new genre I am writing in. I may have lost a few of you over the years with my lack of content and presence. For that, my apologies, however, as always, I thank you for being there and for supporting me over the years. 

You can always connect through social media, which is found on my website or here on my author blog, which will be updated with various posts relating to fantasy, historical fiction and writing tips. Of course, the Literature & Culture Corner blog is still active, albeit not as many postings these days, however all the posts on history, mythology, literature, book reviews, culture and more, are all still available for you to enjoy.

For now, I wish you all the best and I hope you will join me as we travel on our fantasy adventure together, as we explore new realms and their unusual, but interesting inhabitants. Until next time, take care, Ben.


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