Gods of Uis-Valla - The Fantasy Characters

Gods of Uis-Valla
Gods of Uis-Valla - Fantasy Characters

Writing fantasy, let alone, high fantasy, requires a huge amount of work in world building, creating spaces, maps, etc, but we cannot forget that characters are still central to every story. As a lover of character development, the first book in the Gods of Uis-Valla series, “Guardian – Rise of the Gods,” provides far more central characters than my previous historical fiction, where entire books revolved around a central character or two.

Developing multiple central characters can be more challenging as a whole character is not dedicated to one book. What is revealed about the characters is important to the plot development, including a back story of how we find the character at their first introduction in the story. Taking account of the common archetypes, or common character types within fantasy, listed below, I can identify characters that fit into each of these as follows:

  • The Hero or Alternative Hero
    • Mika and Jonas will emerge over time as the heroes, but do not actually realise they are the heroes.
  • The Villain
    • One villain that through their plans, ends up creating alternative villains of the Armonte, a race of militant sorcerers.
  • The Mentor
    • Gornus, despite his misguidance.
  • The Sidekick
    • Xari
  • The Henchman
    • Both the Korninti and the Armonte are unknowingly pawns in the villain’s game, but the Armonte take it further by challenging the villain to become the alternative villain.
  • The Monster (s)
    • All creatures from the Auskan World and the Artaci, demon race from the K-73 Realm.
  • The Love Interest
    • A more complex one given that a close energy bond is shared between Mika and Xari, however both are unable to love in the sense of an intimate relationship, however Jonas has more than an interest of curiosity in Xari, than Xari actually understands. Additionally, perhaps one to watch out for is between the elder, Mursulla and Queen Miranda. 

I will be providing further more detailed analysis on this new set of characters over the coming months, as they grow and take on a life of their own.


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